The ultimate workshop to get you authentically networking at any event.


Because you don’t need to “work” a room, you just need to be YOU in it!
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 Kyra Rahn, Keyreel Productions

I have PAGES of notes and affirmations following Cassandra's Confidently Connect Workshop. How relieving it is to hear that I am not the only person who experiences awkwardness when meeting new people! Casandra offers fun, actionable strategies for breaking through the networking nerves.

I feel like I have a cheat sheet in my pocket for my next networking event.

Have you had these thoughts about in-person events?

  • “Everyone says 'Get in rooms,' but I don’t know what to do once I’m there!”
  • “The idea of 'owning a room' or 'working a room' sounds gross. Can’t I just talk to people?”
  • “ I know I’m supposed to network but just the idea of it makes my stomach turn in knots”
  • “Events intimidate me, but everyone else seems so comfortable. I just think maybe they aren’t my thing.” 
If you can raise your hand to any of the above, you’re in the right place!

Imagine seeing a Chamber of Commerce Happy Hour on your calendar and being excited to go! (Or an association mixer, a conference, etc.)


Imagine what you’re going to feel like walking into that next event...

...once you’ve got your intro down

...figured out how to approach a group of strangers naturally

...and have a plan for how to go about an event as yourself…confidently yourself.

You’re ready to meet new people but you’ve got a lot of questions, like...

“How do I walk up to a group of strangers?”

“What in the world do I say other than ‘What do you do?”

“How do I get OUT of conversations?”

“What should I say about myself? What is a good intro?”

I know that in-person events feel like a necessary evil for career and biz growth. Something you have to do, but don’t want to do. 

I also know that if you had some guidance and frankly permission, for how to go about these events, you could see them as something you look forward to going to! Excited to show up, meet new people, tell them more about you and learn about them. 

That’s why I created this workshop. This is an hour of tactical, strategic advice for how to make events fun and worthwhile.

You can create career opportunities AND have fun at these events at the same time!


Confidently Connect: Overcome Networking Nerves at In-Person Events

Because you don’t need to work a room, you just need to feel like YOU in it. 

In one hour you’ll learn everything you need to walk in and navigate the next event you attend with confidence. 

I used to find any and all new events intimidating. Everyone else seemed confident and happy to be there and felt like running out the door. Then I learned it could be different. 

I now love going to new events. I know how to calm the nerves and walk in and be myself. I can approach people and feel good about how I entered a conversation. I know how to talk in a group and how to politely move on to a new one. I leave feeling good about the connections I made, not nervous about how I was perceived.

And I know the same can be true for you.

Here’s what you’ll learn when you join the Confidently Connect workshop:

  • The formula for how to introduce yourself memorably without being ZANY
  • The mindset to go in with to no longer feel nauseous (and yet not deny reality)
  • How to find the right group to approach so you don’t feel like the kid who picked the wrong table in the cafeteria
  • How to bail from a group without feeling awkward
  • Specifics on what to talk about other than “So what do you do?”
  • The secret skill introverts have that make them AMAZING at networking events
  • Recordings so you can watch again


  • Networking Mindset Video Lesson
  • My Networking Hype Up Playlist

$97 , $47!

I Need This!

Invest in yourself so you never have to feel anxious walking into an event again!

Everything you need to be YOU at your next event- from preparing beforehand,  to walking in the room, to the drive home!

Become a Better Connector NOW!

Who is this workshop for?

➡️ The local business owner who wants to feel comfortable at Chamber Meetings and local mixers

➡️ The mid-career professional who knows she needs to get out there and do more with her industry association to get to the next level of her career

➡️ The service provider who depends on referrals but feels stuck on how to authentically meet new people

➡️ Anyone who is tired of feeling awkward at industry parties, association events, or conferences and is ready to show up confident!

Hi I’m Cassandra and I’m obsessed with demystifying networking so we can all have better relationships!

I too hated the idea of networking and felt it was just passing business cards and using people. 

Then I learned it could be different. 

Networking is simply building authentic relationships to create amazing opportunities for everyone involved. 

But just because I knew this didn’t mean I understood how to walk into an event and get to know all these fantastic amazing people. 

So I studied and practiced and tried things out and I created tactics and strategies to make going to events helpful for my career and -wait for it- fun!

And then I started teaching these tactics to college students and watched them become networking mavens. 

But here’s the thing- I’ve learned that many people never learned these skills in college and now are farther in their careers and still need help to feel confident in new rooms. 

I’m happy to now share this workshop with everyone!

I know that with the strategies and tips shared in these 60 minutes together, you’ll be ready and excited to try everything out at your next event!

Learn how to confidently walk into your next event ready and EXCITED to meet new people and create new opportunities. 

Get Access NOW!


Due to the automatic delivery of the workshop, there are NO REFUNDS under any circumstances. 

We will not be able to process any refunds for any reason.