One hello can change your life…

Learn how to leverage the power of connections for more career success and even more opportunities.

You love your job, but…

You don’t feel connected. 

You want more camaraderie with your coworkers and within your team. You want to build better relationships with clients and watch your working partnerships flourish. But you struggle to connect to others.
With the rise of remote work and a global pandemic, it’s been nearly impossible to network and make those oh-so-valuable connections you need to grow your career.
You may even feel a little silly reaching out to people, posting in online forums, or networking in general. Everyone around you seems pretty settled into their workspace, but you’re still longing for community.

You aren’t alone.

52% of employees say they want more connection at work

69% of employees aren't satisfied with the opportunities for connection in their workplace

But connections are more important than ever 

80% of professionals find networking essential to their career success

95% of professionals believe that face-to-face meetings build stronger long-term relationships

At One Hello, we say the #1 thing you need to be successful at work isn’t more training, another degree, or even more experience…

It’s connection!

As human beings, we’re hard-wired to thrive on them. Whether you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert, having just one connection in the workplace, or within your network, can make all the difference. 

And this all starts with a simple hello.

That’s where we come in…

Meet One Hello Consulting!

Our mission is simple: We want to help professionals of all kinds learn how to build authentic relationships for professional success.

We want to teach people how to genuinely care for one another again and make relationships a priority — above the task lists and metrics. 

Because it’s imperative for our health as individuals and as a society. 

One Hello services: How to work with us


This is Why You Hate Networking (and How to Fix It) 

Keynote Speaking + Training

Great for companies looking to increase employee/client engagement and retention. You’ll get keynote presentations and the option to add additional training centered around creating a networking strategy (that doesn’t feel superficial), implementing company/customer success goals, and relationship-building in the workplace.

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Making LinkedIn Work for You Workshop

A group-training-style workshop focused on teaching you everything you need to know about becoming best friends with LinkedIn. Learn how to get found in search results and how to build and leverage those connections.

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Executive Coaching

Need more help building an executive presence? With our 1:1 coaching services, you’ll learn how to focus on communication and relationship building to grow your career.



Authentically Grow Your Business on LinkedIn

Learn what to prioritize so you can maximize every angle of LinkedIn and get in front of your ideal clients. Great for business owners, freelancers, or other client-facing roles!

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What can better relationships do for you?

Better communication + collaboration

Increased levels of motivation

Increased employee retention

Higher rates of job satisfaction

Enhances creativity + innovation

Improved physical and mental health

What others are saying…

“A big shout out to Cassandra Thompson for helping out Lesley Logan Crowell and I in a pinch!

We had a guest webinar speaker cancel 2 days before our event and Cassandra hopped in and slayed it! She took our members through the power and value of using LinkedIn, shared somegreat slides, gave actionable tips, and then held a great Q&A. 

Her big smile and good vibes made the topic approachable and removed the overwhelm of ‘adding one more social network’ to our plate. Honestly that objection didn't even come up. Thanks Cassandra!

If you have a membership and are looking for someone to cover this topic, I'd recommend her!”

— Brad Crowell, CEO of As The Crows Fly

Discover what One Hello can do for you!


Did you hear?

The Muse just named our founder’s YouTube Channel one of the top career channels for 2023!

Read the article hereÂ